PSPad - download

PSPad - current version 5.0.7 (775) - 18 March 2023

Full program version including English help file. PSPad does not require installation, it can be simply unpacked into any directory. The archive contains subdirectories and must be unpacked with subdirectory preservation enabled. Desktop and Start menu links, as well as system integration can be later created by choosing Program Settings/System Integration from PSPad's Settings menu and selecting the appropriate checkboxes. Everything is user controllable. Also available is an installer version that will automatically perform all of these tasks according to user preference.

The distribution does not contain spellcheck dictionaries. However, these can be downloaded freely from the bottom of this page.

This is the latest full version, but PSPad development continues. PSPad beta versions are published in the PSPad developer forum. If you discover a problem, please have a look at the beta forum first to ensure that the issue has not been addressed already.

SHA1 checksums:
e2e60e9aee84fa51854dad69ec39e9c03b7fb351  pspad507_setup.exe
b8c4446773136e01d3d5a6a79a1b0d272b47f454  pspad507_x64_setup.exe

I hereby declare, that PSPad installer, downloaded from PSPad page, doesn't contains any bundled software or malware. PSPad installer and PSPad.exe itself is digitaly signed with code signing certificate, issued by Comodo certification authority.

PSPad - developer version 5.5.1 (817)

Current PSPad developer version.

To update to developer build replace existing files from latest PSPad full version. If you don't have PSPad installed, install latest full version first.

Spell-check dictionaries

Dictionaries for the spell-checker.

After downloading, unpack the .CAB file and save extracted .DIC file in the .\PSPad\Spell\ directory (you may have to create it if it doesn't already exist). Then proceed to the Settings\Spell Settings menu and select the installed dictionary.

- Dictionaries are updated from time to time. Older versions can be deleted without problems.


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